Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers | Instrument Flying

Using Analog Instrumentation

Instrument flying techniques differ according to aircraft type, class, performance capability, and instrumentation. Therefore, the procedures and techniques that follow need to be modified to suit individual aircraft. Recommended procedures, performance data, operating limitations, and flight characteristics of a particular aircraft are available in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) for study before practicing the flight maneuvers.

Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers

The flight maneuvers discussed in this section assume the use of a single-engine, propeller-driven small airplane with retractable gear and flaps and a panel with instruments representative of those discussed earlier in Flight Instruments. With the exception of the instrument takeoff, all of the maneuvers can be performed on “partial panel,” with the attitude gyro and heading indicator covered or inoperative.


Using an Electronic Flight Display

The previous sections have laid the foundation for instrument flying. The pilot’s ability to use and interpret the information displayed and apply corrective action is required to maneuver the aircraft and maintain safe flight. A pilot must recognize that each aircraft make and model flown may require a different technique. Aircraft weight, speed, and configuration changes require the pilot to vary his or her technique in order to perform successful attitude instrument flying. A pilot must become familiar with all sections of the Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) prior to performing any flight maneuver.

Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers

This section describes basic attitude instrument flight maneuvers and explains how to perform each one by interpreting the indications presented on the electronic flight display (EFD). In addition to normal flight maneuvers, “partial panel” flight is addressed. With the exception of the instrument takeoff, all flight maneuvers can be performed on “partial panel” with the Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) unit simulated or rendered inoperative.


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