Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers | Instrument Flying

Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers | Instrument Flying

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Using Analog Instrumentation Instrument flying techniques differ according to aircraft type, class, performance capability, and instrumentation. Therefore, the procedures and techniques that follow need to be modified to suit individual aircraft. Recommended procedures, performance data, operating limitations, and flight characteristics of a particular aircraft are available in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) for […]

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Instrument Takeoff | Flight Maneuvers Using an Electronic Flight Display

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

The reason for learning to fly by reference to instruments alone is to expand a pilot’s abilities to operate an aircraft in visibility less than VFR. Another valuable maneuver to learn is the instrument takeoff. This maneuver requires the pilot to maneuver the aircraft during the takeoff roll by reference to flight instruments alone with

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Turns | Flight Maneuvers Using an Electronic Flight Display

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Standard Rate Turns The previous sections have addressed flying straight-and-level as well as climbs and descents. However, attitude instrument flying is not accomplished solely by flying in a straight line. At some point, the aircraft needs to be turned to maneuver along victor airways, global positioning system (GPS) courses, and instrument approaches. The key to

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Straight Climbs and Descents | Flight Maneuvers Using an Electronic Flight Display

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Each aircraft has a specific pitch attitude and airspeed that corresponds to the most efficient climb rate for a specified weight. The POH/AFM contains the speeds that produce the desired climb. These numbers are based on maximum gross weight. Pilots must be familiar with how the speeds vary with weight so they can compensate during

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Straight and Level Flight | Flight Maneuvers Using an Electronic Flight Display

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Pitch Control The pitch attitude of an airplane is the angle between the longitudinal axis of the airplane and the actual horizon. In level flight, the pitch attitude varies with airspeed and load. For training purposes, the latter factor can normally be disregarded in small airplanes. At a constant airspeed, there is only one specific

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Instrument Flight Patterns | Flight Maneuvers Using Analog Instrumentation

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Flight patterns are basic maneuvers, flown by sole reference to the instruments rather than outside visual clues, for the purpose of practicing basic attitude flying. The patterns simulate maneuvers encountered on instrument flights, such as holding patterns, procedure turns, and approaches. After attaining a reasonable degree of proficiency in basic maneuvers, apply these skills to

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Instrument Takeoff | Flight Maneuvers Using Analog Instrumentation

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Competency in instrument takeoffs will provide the proficiency and confidence necessary for use of flight instruments during departures under conditions of low visibility, rain, low ceilings, or disorientation at night. A sudden rapid transition from “visual” to “instrument” flight can result in serious disorientation and control problems. Instrument takeoff techniques vary with different types of

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Unusual Attitudes and Recoveries | Instrument Flying

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

An unusual attitude is an airplane attitude not normally required for instrument flight. Unusual attitudes may result from a number of conditions, such as turbulence, disorientation, instrument failure, confusion, preoccupation with flight deck duties, carelessness in cross-checking, errors in instrument interpretation, or lack of proficiency in aircraft control. Since unusual attitudes are not intentional maneuvers

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Approach to Stall | Flight Maneuvers Using Analog Instrumentation

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Practicing approach to stall recoveries in various airplane configurations should build confidence in a pilot’s ability to control the airplane in unexpected situations. Approach to stall should be practiced from straight flight and from shallow banks. The objective is to practice recognition and recovery from the approach to a stall. Prior to stall recovery practice,

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Turns | Flight Maneuvers Using Analog Instrumentation

Flying Training, Instrument Flying

Standard Rate Turns A standard rate turn is one in which the pilot will do a complete 360° circle in 2 minutes or 3 degrees per second. A standard rate turn, although always 3 degrees per second, requires higher angles of bank as airspeed increases. To enter a standard rate level turn, apply coordinated aileron

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