Communication Failure | IFR Operations

Flying Training, Instrument Procedures

Two-way radio communication failure procedures for IFR operations are outlined in 14 CFR Part 91, § 91.185. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, pilots operating under IFR are expected to comply with this regulation. Expanded procedures for communication failures are found in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). Pilots can use the transponder to alert ATC to

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Instrument Flight Rules En Route Altitudes

Flying Training, Instrument Procedures

Minimum En Route Altitudes (MEAs), Minimum Reception Altitudes (MRAs), Maximum Authorized Altitudes (MAAs), Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitudes (MOCAs), Minimum Turning Altitudes (MTAs) and Minimum Crossing Altitudes (MCAs) are established by the FAA for instrument flight along Federal airways, as well as some off-airway routes. The altitudes are established after it has been determined that the

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Required Navigation Performance

Flying Training, Instrument Procedures

Required navigation performance (RNP) is RNAV with onboard navigation monitoring and alerting. RNP is also a statement of navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace. A critical component of RNP is the ability of the aircraft navigation system to monitor its achieved navigation performance, and to identify for the pilot whether the operational

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Introduction To Flying

Aeronautical Knowledge, Flying Training

The Aeronautical Knowledge section provides basic knowledge for the student pilot learning to fly, as well as pilots seeking advanced pilot certification. For detailed information on a variety of specialized flight topics, see specific Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) handbooks and Advisory Circulars (ACs). This section offers a brief history of flight, introduces the history and

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