Helicopter Basic Flight Maneuvers

Helicopter Hovering Techniques and Common Errors

Flying Training, Helicopter Flying

Hovering A stationary hover is a maneuver in which the helicopter is maintained in nearly motionless flight over a reference point at a constant altitude and on a constant heading. Technique To maintain a hover over a point, use sideview and peripheral vision to look for small changes in the helicopter’s attitude and altitude. When […]

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Vertical Takeoff to a Hover | Helicopter Flight Maneuvers

Flying Training, Helicopter Flying

A vertical takeoff to a hover involves flying the helicopter from the ground vertically to a skid height of two to three feet, while maintaining a constant heading. Once the desired skid height is achieved, the helicopter should remain nearly motionless over a reference point at a constant altitude and on a constant heading. The

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The Four Fundamentals | Helicopter Flight Maneuvers

Flying Training, Helicopter Flying

There are four fundamentals of flight upon which all maneuvers are based: straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents. All controlled flight maneuvers consist of one or more of these four fundamentals of flight. If a student pilot is able to perform these maneuvers well, and the student’s proficiency is based on accurate “feel” and control

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