Aviation Instructor

Developing Communication Skills

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Communication skills need to be developed; they do not occur automatically. The ability to effectively communicate stems from experience. The experience of instructional communication begins with role playing during training to be an instructor, continues during the actual instruction, and is enhanced by additional training. Role Playing Role playing is a method of learning in

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Barriers to Effective Communication

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

It is essential to understand the dynamics of communication, but the instructor also needs to be aware of several barriers to communication that can inhibit learning. The nature of language and the way it is used often lead to misunderstandings. These misunderstandings can be identified by four barriers to effective communication: lack of common experience,

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Basic Elements of Communication

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Communication takes place when one person transmits ideas or feelings to another person or group of people. The effectiveness of the communication is measured by the similarity between the idea transmitted and the idea received. The process of communication is composed of three elements: Source (sender, speaker, writer, encoder, transmitter, or instructor) Symbols used in

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Effective Communication – Aviation Instructor

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Carol, a flight instructor, has planned the first tailwheel flight with Jacob, her learner pilot. She begins the preflight briefing with an explanation of the tendency of tailwheel aircraft to yaw in normal takeoff. This yawing tendency gives the illusion that the tailwheel aircraft is unstable during the takeoff. Since this yawing tendency occurs on

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Memory | The Learning Process

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Memory is the vital link between the learner learning/retaining information and the cognitive process of applying what is learned. It is the ability of people and other organisms to encode (initial perception and registration of information), store (retention of encoded information over time), and retrieve (processes involved in using stored information) information. [Figure] When a

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