Aviation Instructor

Flight Instructor Qualifications

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

A flight instructor needs to be thoroughly familiar with the functions, characteristics, and proper use of all flight instruments, avionics, and other aircraft systems being used for training. This is especially important due to the wide variety in global positioning systems (GPS) and glass panel displays. Each flight instructor should maintain familiarity with current pilot […]

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Aviator’s Model Code of Conduct, Safety Practices and Accident Prevention

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Aviator’s Model Code of Conduct The Aviator’s Model Code of Conduct presents broad guidance and recommendations for General Aviation (GA) pilots to improve airmanship, flight safety, and to sustain and improve the GA community. The Code of Conduct presents a vision of excellence in GA aviation. Its principles both complement and supplement what is merely

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Flight Instructor Responsibilities

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Learning to fly should provide learners with an opportunity for exploration and experimentation. It should be a habit-building period during which learners devote their attention, memory, and judgment to the development of correct habit patterns. All aviation instructors shoulder an enormous responsibility because their learners will ultimately be flying, servicing, or repairing aircraft. Flight instructors

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Aviation Instructor Responsibilities

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

The job of an aviation instructor is to transfer knowledge. Previous sections have discussed how people learn, the teaching process, and teaching methods. To summarize in brief, instructors help learners meet and exceed established standards. Instructors measure learner performance against those standards and give positive reinforcement along the way. [Figure 1] Figure 1. There are

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Scenario-Based Training (SBT) | Planning Instructional Activity

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Improper pilot decisions cause a significant percentage of all accidents and the majority of fatal accidents in light single-and twin-engine aircraft. The goal of SBT is to challenge the learner or transitioning pilot with a variety of flight scenarios to improve decision-making skills. These scenarios train the pilot to manage the resources available in the

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Course of Training and Blocks of Learning

Aviation Instructor, Flying Training

Course of Training Whatever the method of teaching, the key to developing well-planned and organized aviation instruction includes using lesson plans and a training syllabus that meet all regulatory certification requirements. Much of the basic planning necessary for the flight instructor and maintenance instructor is provided by the knowledge and proficiency requirements published in Title

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