The Instrument Procedures section is designed as a technical reference for all pilots who operate under instrument flight rules (IFR) in the National Airspace System (NAS). It expands and updates information contained in the Instrument Flying section, and introduces advanced information for IFR operations. Instrument flight instructors, instrument pilots, and instrument students will also find this section a valuable resource since it is used as a reference for the Airline Transport Pilot and Instrument Knowledge Tests and for the Practical Test Standards. It also provides detailed coverage of instrument charts and procedures including IFR takeoff, departure, en route, arrival, approach, and landing. Safety information covering relevant subjects such as runway incursion, land and hold short operations, controlled flight into terrain, and human factors issues also are included.
Departure Procedures
- Departure Procedures
- Surface Movement Safety
- Weather and the Departure Environment
- Automated Weather Systems
- Instrument Departure Procedures
- Categories of Instrument Departure Procedures
- Procedural Notes
EN Route Operations
- En Route Operations
- En Route Navigation
- Airway and Route System
- Waypoints
- Computer Navigation Performance
- Required Navigation Performance
- IFR En Route Altitudes
- En Route Reporting Procedures
- Communication Failure
- Climbing and Descending En Route
- En Route Holding Procedures
- En Route Safety Considerations
- Arrivals
- Navigation in the Arrival Environment
- Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs)
- Preparing for the Arrival
- Approach Planning
- Weather Considerations
- Aircraft Performance Considerations
- Instrument Approach Charts
- Communications
- Primary NAVAID and Equipment Requirements
- Courses
- Altitudes
- Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) and Instrument Approaches
- Vertical Navigation
- Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Briefing
- Descents
- Descent Rates and Glidepaths for Nonprecision Approaches
- Types of Approaches
- RNAV Approach Types
Improvement Plans
Airborne Navigation Databases
- Airborne Navigation Databases
- Airborne Navigation Database Standardization
- Path and Terminator Concept
- Role of the Database Provider
- Operational Limitations of Airborne Navigation Databases