The Airplane Flying section provides basic knowledge that is essential for pilots It provides information on transition to other airplanes and the operation of various airplane systems. Below articles are published to assist student pilots learning to fly airplanes. It is also beneficial to pilots who wish to improve their flying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, those pilots preparing for additional certificates or ratings, and flight instructors engaged in the instruction of both student and certificated pilots. It introduces the future pilot to the realm of flight and provides information and guidance in the performance of procedures and maneuvers required for pilot certification.
Introduction to Flight Training
- Introduction to Flight Training
- Role of the FAA
- Flight Standards Service
- Role of the Pilot Examiner and the Flight Instructor
- Sources of Flight Training
- Airplane Safety Considerations and Continuing Education
Ground Operations
- Airplane Ground Operations
- Preflight Assessment of the Aircraft
- Risk and Resource Management
- Ground Operations
- Engine Starting
- Hand Propping
- Taxiing
- Before Takeoff Check and Takeoff Checks
- After Landing, Clear of Runway and Stopped, Parking, Engine Shutdown and Post-Flight
Basic Flight Maneuvers
- Airplane Basic Flight Maneuvers
- Effect and Use of the Flight Controls
- Attitude Flying
- Integrated Flight Instruction
- Straight and Level Flight
- Trim Control
- Level Turns
- Climbs and Climbing Turns
- Descents and Descending Turns
- Glides
Maintaining Aircraft Control: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
- Maintaining Aircraft Control: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
- Defining an Airplane Upset, Coordinated Flight and Angle of Attack
- Slow Flight
- Airplane Stall (Part 1)
- Stall Characteristics and Fundamentals of Stall Recovery (Airplane Stall - Part 2)
- Stall Training and Approaches to Stalls (Impending Stalls), Power On or Power-Off (Airplane Stall - Part 3)
- Full Stalls, Power-Off and Power-On (Airplane Stall - Part 4)
- Secondary Stall and Accelerated Stalls (Airplane Stall - Part 5)
- Cross-Control Stall and Elevator Trim Stall (Airplane Stall - Part 6)
- Common errors in the performance of intentional stalls (Airplane Stall - Part 7)
- Spin Awareness and procedures (Airplane Stall - Part 8)
- Intentional Spins, Weight and Balance Requirements and Common Errors (Airplane Stall - Part 9)
- Upset Prevention and Recovery
Takeoffs and Departure Climbs
- Takeoffs and Departure Climbs
- Prior to Takeoff
- Normal Takeoff
- Crosswind Takeoff
- Ground Effect on Takeoff
- Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb
- Soft/Rough-Field Takeoff and Climb
- Rejected Takeoff/Engine Failure and Noise Abatement
Ground Reference Maneuvers
- Ground Reference Maneuvers
- Maneuvering by Reference to Ground Objects
- Drift and Ground Track Control
- Rectangular Course
- Turns Around a Point
- S-Turns
- Elementary Eights
Airport Traffic Patterns
Approaches and Landings
- Approaches and Landings
- Normal Approach and Landing
- Intentional Slips
- Go-Arounds (Rejected Landings) and Ground Effect
- Crosswind Approach and Landing
- Turbulent Air Approach and Landing
- Short-Field Approach and Landing
- Soft-Field Approach and Landing
- Power-Off Accuracy Approaches
- Emergency Approaches and Landings (Simulated)
- Faulty Approaches and Landings
- Hydroplaning
Performance Maneuvers
Night Operations
- Night Operations
- Night Vision
- Night Illusions
- Pilot Equipment
- Airplane Equipment and Lighting
- Airport and Navigation Lighting Aids
- Training for Night Flight, Preparation and Preflight
- Starting, Taxiing, Runup, Takeoff and Climb
- Orientation and Navigation
- Approaches and Landings
Transition to Complex Airplanes
- Transition to Complex Airplanes
- Function of Flaps, Flap Effectiveness and Operational Procedures
- Controllable-Pitch Propeller
- Turbocharging
- Retractable Landing Gear
- Transition Training to Complex Airplanes
Transition to Multiengine Airplanes
- Transition to Multiengine Airplanes
- Terms and Definitions
- Operation of Systems
- Performance and Limitations
- Weight and Balance
- Ground Operation
- Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
- Level Off and Cruise
- Normal Approach and Landing
- Crosswind Approach and Landing
- Short-Field Takeoff and Landing
- Go-Around and Rejected Takeoff
- Engine Failure After Lift-Off and During Flight
- Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing and Flight Principles
- Slow Flight and Stalls
Transition to Tailwheel Airplanes
Transition to Turbopropeller-Powered Airplanes
Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes
- Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes
- Jet Engine Basics and Operating the Jet Engine
- Absence of Propeller Effect, Slipstream and Drag
- Speed Margins and Recovery From Overspeed Conditions
- Mach Buffet Boundaries
- Low Speed Flight
- Stalls
- Drag Devices
- Thrust Reversers
- Pilot Sensations in Jet Flying
- Jet Airplane Takeoff and Climb
- Jet Airplane Approach and Landing
- Key Points