Approach Control Facility
An approach control facility is a terminal ATC facility that provides approach control service in the terminal area. Services are provided for arriving and departing VFR and IFR aircraft and, on occasion, en route aircraft. In addition, for airports with parallel runways with ILS or LDA approaches, the approach control facility provides monitoring of the approaches.
Approach Control Advances
Precision Runway Monitor (PRM)
Over the past few years, a new technology has been installed at airports that permits a decreased separation distance between parallel runways. The system is called a Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) and is comprised of high-update radar, high-resolution ATC displays, and PRM-certified controllers. [Figure 1]
Figure 1. High-resolution ATC displays used in PRM |
PRM Radar
The PRM uses a Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) that employs electronically-scanned antennas. Because the PRM has no scan rate restrictions, it is capable of providing a faster update rate (up to 1.0 second) over conventional systems, thereby providing better target presentation in terms of accuracy, resolution, and track prediction. The system is designed to search, track, process, and display SSR-equipped aircraft within airspace of over 30 miles in range and over 15,000 feet in elevation. Visual and audible alerts are generated to warn controllers to take corrective actions.
PRM Benefits
Typically, PRM is used with dual approaches with centerlines separated less than 4,300 feet but not less than 3,000 feet (under most conditions). [Figure 2] Separating the two final approach courses is a No Transgression Zone (NTZ) with surveillance of that zone provided by two controllers, one for each active approach. The system tracking software provides PRM monitor controllers with aircraft identification, position, speed, projected position, as well as visual and aural alerts.
Figure 2. Aircraft management using PRM. (Note the no transgression zone (NTZ) and how the aircraft are separated) |